There are many opportunities for service here at the Federated Church.
Our Ministry Teams include:
Along with being on one of these Ministry Teams, there are other ways you can be of service. Below we have highlighted a few.
Pastor/Church Relations Ministry
Property & Grounds Ministry
Technology Ministry
Executive Ministry
Deacons Ministry
Helping Hands Ministry
Endowment Fund Ministry
Discipleship Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Service Within The Church
Church Greeter
Are you an outgoing person? Do you enjoy meeting new people? We would love for you to greet our members and guests Sunday mornings as they enter the church!
Worship Leader
Do you enjoy being a leader? Are you great at public speaking? You can work with the Pastor to conduct our weekly worship service! We would love for you to help lead worship.

Nursery Volunteers
Do you love children? Are you good with young kids? You can volunteer in the nursery during worship! Our nursery volunteers are required to have a background check completed before volunteering. Please see the administrative assistant to fill out paperwork.
Other Opportunities...
Special music during worship service
Helping at the 4th of July Pancake Breakfast
Donating, filling bags, and passing out Halloween candy
Helping with the Christmas Program
Much more!

Beyond Our Walls
Know a child or adult going through a tough time? Maybe they lost a loved one, experienced a tragic event, or are sick. We have teddy bears for children to snuggle and prayer shawls for adults to wrap themselves in. These items have been blessed by our congregation. We encourage you to give these gifts of love to those who need them.

4th of July Pancake Breakfast
Each year, we hold a pancake breakfast on the 4th of July before the parade in downtown Grass Lake! Come enjoy your choice of pancakes, sausage links, and biscuits & gravy (made from scratch)! The cost is a donation, which goes to a charity or individual that is in need.
Teddy Bears & Prayer Shawls
Stop by on Halloween in your best costume and receive a bag of candy passed out by our church members!